Friday, December 28, 2012

Matson right; WLC-ever wrong!

  Wallace Matson's argument against William Lane Craig's Kalam cosmological argument wins!
   WLC,with his hotel and library just is using red herrings.His notions of contradictory mathematics does not apply to infinity.
   By successive addition, one never arrives at an end: that is the very nature of infinity! The potential is indeed the actual.
    The Big Bang was just the Big Transformation from the eternal quantum fields in line with the law of conservation of  energy. No ex nihilo can then appear!
    WLC  should try to learn the truth about the infinite instead and not cherry pick from science but get the full measure  instead of parading his fount of sophistry!

Miracles,part I


  David Hume in his examination of miracles, corollary to the Flew-Lamberth the presumption of naturalism, does not beg the question thereof. He observes that it would be a miracle indeed to find such testimony to overcome the presumption  that naturalism explains miracles as just natural events, even frauds.

  No evidence comes forth, but only hearsay that any biblical, qur'anic or other miracles occurred. No one today comes forth with any real evidence for any. Those for which the Vatican vouchsafes stem from faith-based experts, who ignore reality as skeptics can adduce what really happens.

  Statues that weep have chemistry at work. Faith-healing and exorcisms can injure or kill people.

  For us full skeptics, science exhumes gargantuan fancies, yet true!